send email by R

For automated report delivery I have often used send email options in BASE SAS. For R, for scheduling tasks and sending me automated mails on completion of tasks I have two R options and 1 Windows OS scheduling option. Note red font denotes the parameters that should be changed. Anything else should NOT be changed.

Option 1-

Use the mail package at

> library(mail)

Attaching package: ‘mail’

The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:sendmailR’:


> sendmail(““, subject=”Notification from R“,message=“Calculation finished!”, password=”rmail”)
[1] “Message was sent to! You have 19 messages left.”

Disadvantage- Only 20 email messages by IP address per day. (but thats ok!)

Option 2-

use sendmailR package at

from <- sprintf(“<sendmailR@%s>”,[4])
to <- “<>”
subject <- “Hello from R
body <- list(“It works!”, mime_part(iris))
sendmail(from, to, subject, body,control=list(smtpServer=”ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM”))



BiocInstaller version 1.2.1, ?biocLite for help
> install.packages(“sendmailR”)
Installing package(s) into ‘/home/ubuntu/R/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
also installing the dependency ‘base64’

trying URL ‘;
Content type ‘application/x-gzip’ length 61109 bytes (59 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 59 Kb

trying URL ‘;
Content type ‘application/x-gzip’ length 6399 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 6399 bytes

BiocInstaller version 1.2.1, ?biocLite for help
* installing *source* package ‘base64’ …
** package ‘base64’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** libs
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/local/lib64/R/include -I/usr/local/include -fpic -g -O2 -c base64.c -o base64.o
gcc -std=gnu99 -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 -o base64.o -L/usr/local/lib64/R/lib -lR
installing to /home/ubuntu/R/library/base64/libs
** R
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices …
** testing if installed package can be loaded
BiocInstaller version 1.2.1, ?biocLite for help

* DONE (base64)
BiocInstaller version 1.2.1, ?biocLite for help
* installing *source* package ‘sendmailR’ …
** package ‘sendmailR’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** R
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices …
** testing if installed package can be loaded
BiocInstaller version 1.2.1, ?biocLite for help

* DONE (sendmailR)

The downloaded packages are in
> library(sendmailR)
Loading required package: base64
> from <- sprintf(“<sendmailR@%s>”,[4])
> to <- “<>”
> subject <- “Hello from R”
> body <- list(“It works!”, mime_part(iris))
> sendmail(from, to, subject, body,
+ control=list(smtpServer=”ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM”))
[1] “221”

[1] “2.0.0 closing connection ff2si17226764qab.40”

Disadvantage-This worked when I used the Amazon Cloud using the BioConductor AMI (for free 2 hours) at

It did NOT work when I tried it use it from my Windows 7 Home Premium PC from my Indian ISP (!!) .

It gave me this error

or in wait_for(250) :
SMTP Error: 5.7.1 [] The IP you’re using to send mail is not authorized



ps Why do this (send email by R)?

Note you can add either of the two programs of the end of the code that you want to be notified automatically. (like daily tasks)

This is mostly done for repeated business analytics tasks (like reports and analysis that need to be run at specific periods of time)

pps- What else can I do with this?

Can be modified to include sms or tweets  or even blog by email by modifying the   “to”  location appropriately.

3) Using Windows Task Scheduler to run R codes automatically (either the above)

or just sending an email

got to Start>  All Programs > Accessories >System Tools > Task Scheduler ( or by default C:Windowssystem32taskschd.msc)

Create a basic task

Now you can use this to run your daily/or scheduled R code  or you can send yourself email as well.

and modify the parameters- note the SMTP server (you can use the ones for google in example 2 at ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM)

and check if it works!



 Geeky Things , Bro

Configuring IIS on your Windows 7 Home Edition-

note path to do this is-

Control Panel>All Control Panel Items> Program and Features>Turn Windows features on or off> Internet Information Services



Exciting Contest at CrowdANALYTIX

A new contest from a relatively new website. This one is fast and furious and has a decent chunk of money!




Submission Deadline:
Sun, 26 February 2012 05:00 AM UTC
Results Announced by:
Mon, 05 March 2012 05:00 AM UTC
Category: Text Analytics Function: Aerospace & Aviation


Analysis of sentiment and its intensity – feedback from airport guests
ABC (name intentionally obfuscated) is one of the best managed and highly profitable airports  in India. As with all well managed airports, ABC would like to understand what guests feel about their experience when traveling, using or transiting through their airport. ABC has a website in which guests can visit and leave behind a comment, agree or disagree with others’ comments, or respond to a comment confirming or negating the expressed opinion.

The goal of this contest is to create a summarization of the opinions, feelings and sentiments expressed in the comments left behind by guests on the website. This information is being provided as data for solvers. Some understanding of the intensity of the opinion, feeling or sentiment will also be useful. For example, if there is a consistent demand for more spas across guest conversations, it needs to be highlighted.  Consistent positive or negative sentiments and opinions need to be discovered and highlighted.
Guest comments have been crawled and provided to you. The data consists approximately 1000 comments from guests including the timestamp of those comments.  Personal information (name, email etc) have been hidden. This data is publicly available
Solver Expectations:
Participants may submit entries before the deadline. If a participant submits multiple entries, the entry submitted last before the deadline will be considered as the participant’s submission.
The following deliverables are expected to be submitted:
  • a report expressing the results of the opinion and sentiment mining
  • documentation about how you approached the problem, what tools, technologies and languages you used, and what problems you encountered
Timeline and Prizes: 
This contest begin on 16 Feb 2012 and will last for a duration of 9 days.
  • One 1st Prize – $1000
  • One 2nd Prize – $500
  • Two 3rd Prizes – $250

Cyber Cold War

I try to write on cyber conflict without getting into the politics of why someone is hacking someone else. I always get beaten by someone in the comments thread when I write on politics.

But recent events have forced me to update my usual “how-to” cyber conflict to “why” cyber conflict. This is because of a terrorist attack in my hometown Delhi.


Iran allegedly tried  (as per Israel) to assassinate the wife of Israeli Defence Attache in Delhi using a magnetic bomb, India as she went to school to pick up her kids, somebody else put a grenade in Israeli embassy car in Georgia which was found in time. 

Based on reports , initial work suggests the bomb was much more sophisticated than local terrorists, but the terrorists seemed to have some local recce work done.

India has 0 history of antisemitism but this is the second time Israelis have been targeted since 26/11 Mumbai attacks. India buys 12 % of oil annually from Iran (and refuses to join the oil embargo called by US and Europe)

Cyber Conflict is less painful than conflict, which is inevitable as long as mankind exists. Also the Western hemisphere needs a moon shot (cyber conflict could be the Sputnik like moment) and with declining and aging populations but better technology, Western Hemisphere govts need cyber conflict as they are running out of humans to fight their wars. Eastern govt. are even more obnoxious in using children for conflict propaganda, and corruption.

Last week website went down

This week Iranian govt is allegedly blocking https traffic on eve of Annual Revolution Day (what a coincidence!)


Some resources to help Internet users in Iran (or maybe this could be a dummy test for the big one – hacking the great firewall of China)

News from Hacker News-


I’m writing this to report the serious troubles we have regarding accessing Internet in Iran at the moment. Since Thursday Iranian government has shutted down the https protocol which has caused almost all google services (gmail, and itself) to become inaccessible. Almost all websites that reply on Google APIs (like wolfram alpha) won’t work. Accessing to any website that replies on https (just imaging how many websites use this protocol, from Arch Wiki to bank websites). Also accessing many proxies is also impossible. There are almost no official reports on this and with many websites and my email accounts restricted I can just confirm this based on my own and friends experience. I have just found one report here:

Iran Shut Down Gmail , Google , Yahoo and sites using “Https” Protocol

The reason for this horrible shutdown is that the Iranian regime celebrates 1979 Islamic revolution tomorrow.

I just wanted to let you guys know about this. If you have any solution regarding bypassing this restriction please help!


The boys at Tor think they can help-

but its not so elegant, as I prefer creating a  batch file rather than explain coding to newbies. 

this is still getting to better and easier interfaces

Obfsproxy Instructions

client torrc

Step 1: Install dependencies, obfsproxy, and Tor


You will need a C compiler (gcc), the autoconf and autotools build system, the git revision control system, pkg-config andlibtoollibevent-2 and its headers, and the development headers of OpenSSL.

On Debian testing or Ubuntu oneiric, you could do:
# apt-get install autoconf autotools-dev gcc git pkg-config libtool libevent-2.0-5 libevent-dev libevent-openssl-2.0-5 libssl-dev

If you’re on a more stable Linux, you can either try our experimental backport libevent2 debs or build libevent2 from source.

Clone obfsproxy from its git repository:
$ git clone
The above command should create and populate a directory named ‘obfsproxy’ in your current directory.

Compile obfsproxy:
$ cd obfsproxy
$ ./ && ./configure && make

Optionally, as root install obfsproxy in your system:
# make install

If you prefer not to install obfsproxy as root, you can instead just modify the Transport lines in your torrc file (explained below) to point to your obfsproxy binary.

You will need Tor or later.

Step 2a: If you’re the client…


First, you need to learn the address of a bridge that supports obfsproxy. If you don’t know any, try asking a friend to set one up for you. Then the appropriate lines to your tor configuration file:

UseBridges 1
Bridge obfs2
ClientTransportPlugin obfs2 exec /usr/local/bin/obfsproxy --managed

Don’t forget to replace with the IP address and port that the bridge’s obfsproxy is listening on.
 Congratulations! Your traffic should now be obfuscated by obfsproxy. You are done! You can now start using Tor.

For old fashioned tunnel creation under Seas of English Channel-

Tunneling SSH over HTTP(S)
This document explains how to set up an Apache server and SSH client to allow tunneling SSH over HTTP(S). This can be useful on restricted networks that either firewall everything except HTTP traffic (tcp/80,tcp/443) or require users to use a local (HTTP) proxy.
A lot of people asked why doing it like this if you can just make sshd listen on port 443. Well, that might work if your environment is not hardened like I have seen at several companies, but this setup has a few advantages.

  • You can proxy to anywhere (see the Proxy directive in Apache) based on names
  • You can proxy to any port you like (see the AllowCONNECT directive in Apache)
  • It works even when there is a layer-7 protocol firewall
  • If you enable proxytunnel ssl support, it is indistinguishable from real SSL traffic
  • You can come up with nice hostnames like ‘’ and ‘’ and for normal users these will look like normal websites when visited.
  • There are many possibilities for doing authentication further along the path
  • You can do proxy-bouncing to the n-th degree to mask where you’re coming from or going to (however this requires more changes to proxytunnel, currently I only added support for one remote proxy)
  • You do not have to dedicate an IP-address for sshd, you can still run an HTTPS site


and some crypto for young people


Me- What am I doing about it? I am just writing poems on hacking at

Ads Alliance on Internet

Just saw

the Digital Advertising Alliance’s (DAA) Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising.

Multi-Site Data Collection Principles Broaden Self Regulation Beyond Online Behavioral Advertising

The new Principles consist of the following specific requirements:

  1. Transparency and consumer control for purposes other than OBA – The Multi-Site Data Principles call for organizations that collect Multi-Site Data for purposes other than OBA to provide transparency and control regarding Internet surfing across unrelated Websites.
  2. Collection / use of data for eligibility determination – The Multi-Site Data Principles prohibit the collection, use or transfer of Internet surfing data across Websites for determination of a consumer’s eligibility for employment, credit standing, healthcare treatment and insurance.
  3. Collection / use of children’s data – The Multi-Site Data Principles state that organizations must comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
  4. Meaningful accountability – The Multi-Site Data Principles are subject to enforcement through strong accountability mechanisms.

The DAA Self-Regulatory Principles


The cross-industry Self-Regulatory Principles for Multi-Site Data augment the Self-Regulatory   Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising  (OBA)  by covering the prospective  collection of Web site   data beyond that collected for OBA purposes.  The existing OBA  Principles and definitions  remain in   full force and effect and are not limited by the new  principles.

The cross-industry Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising was developed by   leading industry associations to apply  consumer-friendly standards to online  behavioral advertising  across the Internet. Online behavioral advertising increasingly supports the convenient access to  content, services, and applications over the Internet that consumers have come to expect at no cost   to them.

The Education Principle calls for organizations to participate in efforts to educate individuals and businesses about online behavioral advertising and the Principles.

The Transparency Principle calls for clearer and easily accessible disclosures to consumers about data collection and use practices associated with online behavioral advertising. It will result in new, enhanced notice on the page where data is collected through links embedded in or around advertisements, or on the Web page itself.

The Consumer Control Principle provides consumers with an expanded ability to choose whether data is collected and used for online behavioral advertising purposes. This choice will be available through a link from the notice provided on the Web page where data is collected.

The Consumer Control Principle requires “service providers”, a term that includes Internet access service providers and providers of desktop applications software such as Web browser “tool bars” to obtain the consent of users before engaging in online behavioral advertising, and take steps to de-identify the data used for such purposes.

The Data Security Principle calls for organizations to provide appropriate security for, and limited retention of data, collected and used for online behavioral advertising purposes.

The Material Changes Principle calls for obtaining consumer consent before a Material Change is made to an entity’s Online Behavioral Advertising data collection and use policies unless that change will result in less collection or use of data.

The Sensitive Data Principle recognizes that data collected from children and used for online behavioral advertising merits heightened protection, and requires parental consent for behavioral advertising to consumers known to be under 13 on child-directed Web sites. This Principle also provides heightened protections to certain health and financial data when attributable to a specific individual.

The Accountability Principle calls for development of programs to further advance these Principles, including programs to monitor and report instances of uncorrected non-compliance with these Principles to appropriate government agencies. The CBBB and DMA have been asked and agreed to work cooperatively to establish accountability mechanisms under the Principles.


Ajay- So why the self regulations?

Answer- Shoddy Maths in behaviorally targeted ads is leading to a very high glut in targeted ads, more than can be reasonably expected to click based on consumer spending. On the internet- unlike on television- cost is less of a barrrier to OVER ADVERTISING.


Amazing IBM Tech Trends 2011 report

I was reading the amazing Tech Trend 2011 report by IBM at

What really amazed me is that distortions introduced in Data Visualization even in length of the graphs.

See below and click to enlarge- my notes are in black font, they refer to the length of the weird green bar(?). This I think is one of the worst graphs I have seen this year.



Creating Pages on Google Plus for some languages

So I decided to create Pages on Google Plus for my favorite programming languages.

a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively

Add to circles

  –  Comment  –  Share

Ajay Ohri

Ajay Ohri's profile photo

Ajay Ohri  –
Ajay Ohri shared a Google+ page with you.
Structured Query Language
Leading statistical language since 1960’s especially in sociology and market research
The leading statistical language in the world
The leading statistical language since 1970’s



These are in accordance with Google’s Policies  Continue reading “Creating Pages on Google Plus for some languages”

Google Cloud SQL

Another xing bang API from the boyz in Mountain View. (entry by invite only) But it is free and you can test your stuff on a MySQL db =10 GB

Database as a service ? (Maybe)— while Amazon was building fires (and Fire)


What is Google Cloud SQL?

Google Cloud SQL is a web service that provides a highly available, fully-managed, hosted SQL storage solution for your App Engine applications.

What are the benefits of using Google Cloud SQL?

You can access a familiar, highly available SQL database from your App Engine applications, without having to worry about provisioning, management, and integration with other Google services.

How much does Google Cloud SQL cost?

We will not be billing for this service in 2011. We will give you at least 30 days’ advance notice before we begin billing in the future. Other services such as Google App Engine, Google Cloud Storage etc. that you use with Google Cloud SQL may have their own payment terms, and you need to pay for them. Please consult their documentation for details.

Currently you are limited to the three instance sizes. What if I need to store more data or need better performance?

In the Limited Preview period, we only have three sizes available. If you have specific needs, we would like to hear from you on our google-cloud-sqldiscussion board.

When is Google Cloud SQL be out of Limited Preview?

We are working hard to make the service generally available.We don’t have a firm date that we can announce right now.

Do you support all the features of MySQL?

In general, Google Cloud SQL supports all the features of MySQL. The following are lists of all the unsupported features and notable differences that Google Cloud SQL has from MySQL.

Unsupported Features:

  • User defined functions
  • MySql replication

Unsupported MySQL statements:


Unsupported SQL Functions:


Notable Differences:

  • If you want to import databases with binary data into your Google Cloud SQL instance, you must use the --hex-blob option with mysqldump.Although this is not a required flag when you are using a local MySQL server instance and the MySQL command line, it is required if you want to import any databases with binary data into your Google Cloud SQL instance. For more information, see Importing Data.
How large a database can I use with Google Cloud SQL?
Currently, in this limited preview period, your database instance must be no larger than 10GB.
How can I be notified when there are any changes to Google Cloud SQL?
You can sign up for the sql-announcements forum where we post announcements and news about the Google Cloud SQL.
How can I cancel my Google Cloud SQL account?
To remove all data from your Google Cloud SQL account and disable the service:

  1. Delete all your data. You can remove your tables, databases, and indexes using the drop command. For more information, see SQL DROP statement.
  2. Deactivate the Google Cloud SQL by visiting the Services pane and clicking the On button next to Google Cloud SQL. The button changes from Onto Off.
How do I report a bug, request a feature, or ask a question?
You can report bugs and request a feature on our project page.You can ask a question in our discussion forum.

Getting Started

Can I use languages other than Java or Python?
Only Java and Python are supported for Google Cloud SQL.
Can I use Google Cloud SQL outside of Google App Engine?
The Limited Preview is primarily focused on giving Google App Engine customers the ability to use a familiar relational database environment. Currently, you cannot access Google Cloud SQL from outside Google App Engine.
What database engine are we using in the Google Cloud SQL?
MySql Version 5.1.59
Do I need to install a local version of MySQL to use the Development Server?

Managing Your Instances

Do I need to use the Google APIs Console to use Google Cloud SQL?
Yes. For basic tasks like granting access control to applications, creating instances, and deleting instances, you need to use the Google APIs Console.
Can I import or export specific databases?
No, currently it is not possible to export specific databases. You can only export your entire instance.
Do I need a Google Cloud Storage account to import or export my instances?
Yes, you need to sign up for a Google Cloud Storage account or have access to a Google Cloud Storage account to import or export your instances. For more information, see Importing and Exporting Data.
If I delete my instance, can I reuse the instance name?
Yes, but not right away. The instance name is reserved for up to two months before it can be reused.

Tools & Resources

Can I use Django with Google Cloud SQL?
No, currently Google Cloud SQL is not compatible with Django.
What is the best tool to use for interacting with my instance?
There are a variety of tools available for Google Cloud SQL. For executing simple statements, you can use the SQL prompt. For executing more complicated tasks, you might want to use the command line tool. If you want to use a tool with a graphical interface, the SQuirrel SQL Client provides an interface you can use to interact with your instance.

Common Technical Questions

Should I use InnoDB for my tables?
Yes. InnoDB is the default storage engine in MySQL 5.5 and is also the recommended storage engine for Google Cloud SQL. If you do not need any features that require MyISAM, you should use InnoDB. You can convert your existing tables using the following SQL command, replacing tablename with the name of the table to convert:

ALTER tablename ENGINE = InnoDB;

If you have a mysqldump file where all your tables are in MyISAM format, you can convert them by piping the file through a sed script:

mysqldump --databases database_name [-u username -p  password] --hex-blob database_name | sed 's/ENGINE=MyISAM/ENGINE=InnoDB/g' > database_file.sql

Warning: You should not do this if your mysqldump file contains the mysql schema. Those files must remain in MyISAM.

Are there any size or QPS limits?
Yes, the following limits apply to Google Cloud SQL:

Resource Limits from External Requests Limits from Google App Engine
Queries Per Second (QPS) 5 QPS No limit
Maximum Request Size 16 MB
Maximum Response Size 16 MB

Google App Engine Limits

Google App Engine applications are also subject to additional Google App Engine quotas and limits. Requests from Google App Engine applications to Google Cloud SQL are subject to the following time limits:

  • All database requests must finish within the HTTP request timer, around 60 seconds.
  • Offline requests like cron tasks have a time limit of 10 minutes.
  • Backend requests to Google Cloud SQL have a time limit of 10 minutes.

App Engine-specific quotas and access limits are discussed on the Google App Engine Quotas page.

Should I use Google Cloud SQL with my non-High Replication App Engine application?
We recommend that you use Google Cloud SQL with High Replication App Engine applications. While you can use use Google Cloud SQL with applications that do not use high replication, doing so might impact performance.