Hadley's tutorials on R Visualization

Here are a set of extremely nice tutorials from Hadley Wickham  (creator of ggplot) and whom we interviewed here at https://decisionstats.wordpress.com/2010/01/12/interview-hadley-wickham-r-project-data-visualization-guru/

Hadley is teaching two short courses at Vanderbilt university (read at http://gettinggeneticsdone.blogspot.com/2010/07/hadley-wickhams-ggplot2-data.html)

or download code and presentations here at http://had.co.nz/vanderbilt-vis/

They are a set of very very lucid and easy to understand presentations so even if you know very little R, or just want to learn visualization you can refer to them.

Here is the first lesson by Prof Hadley on Basics in Visualization using R.

Hadley’s tutorials on R Visualization

Here are a set of extremely nice tutorials from Hadley Wickham  (creator of ggplot) and whom we interviewed here at https://decisionstats.wordpress.com/2010/01/12/interview-hadley-wickham-r-project-data-visualization-guru/

Hadley is teaching two short courses at Vanderbilt university (read at http://gettinggeneticsdone.blogspot.com/2010/07/hadley-wickhams-ggplot2-data.html)

or download code and presentations here at http://had.co.nz/vanderbilt-vis/

They are a set of very very lucid and easy to understand presentations so even if you know very little R, or just want to learn visualization you can refer to them.

Here is the first lesson by Prof Hadley on Basics in Visualization using R.

My latest creation

I have just teamed up to create my latest venture called Kush Cognitives (Kush is my son). The firm is gonna make websites, build statistical analysis and offer social media offerings. It’s my latest venture and it merges all my previous ones and skills. After almost 3 years of working on and off with multiple people, this one is with a friend in the US.

Over the years (since 2007) I have made http://virtua-analytics.com (defunct), Swarajya Analytics Private Limited (www.swanplc.com – now sold) and now Kush Cognitives. I have gone through the models of proprietorship and corporation and now partnership.

Kush Cognitives is hosted at Decisionstats.com (as our flagship website) and we have shifted the blog to Decisionstats.Wordpress.com

We are aiming at the startups and small and medium segments first, but we retain capabilities for bigger clients as well. Lesser Bullshit and More Bang for your Buck.

So wish us luck- and if you need any social media advice, statistical analysis to be done, or technical matters of creating websites-This also includes training customization in R , SAS  , and statistical software but from a more practical point of view from a user angle. We are able to cater to both US and Indian clients.

give us a buzz at http://decisionstats.com


Ajay Ohri

Image Courtesy-michelangelo

R Excel :Updated

It was really nice to see the latest version of R Excel at http://rcom.univie.ac.at/ and bundled together in an aptly named package called R and Friends.

The look and feel of the package as well as ease of installing are really professional. I also liked the commercial equivalent at http://www.statconn.com/

However much older-guardians and  die- hards of command line,  feel that GUI is like putting lipstick on a pig, but we respectfully demur.

What does R Excel do? Well for one it can put the R Commander Interface INSIDE your Excel Spreadsheet. That makes it easy to use and a familiar interface even if you are newbie to R- (assuming you have done some Excel)

Download the latest version here


This package will automatically install and configure

  • R 2.11.1
  • rscproxy 1.3-1
  • rcom 2.2-1

It will also download and install a suitable version of the statconnDCOM server and of RExcel during installation. Therefore you will need a working Internet connection during the installation process.
This version of RAndFriends was created 20100516.

Download RAndFriendsSetup2111V3.1-5-1

We also give you information how to download all sources for R and the R packages included in RAndFriends.

Also read a paper on R and SAS interoperability (using HMisc package from Dr Harrell) at Holland Numerics


Using VM Player and Chromium OS on a PC

Here is a short presentation tutorial including screenshots I made of using VM Player and playing with Chromium OS. Note- Its like a Machine (light weight linux) with a Chrome Browser. The real computing is when you use Chrome Extensions and/if you have a underpowered legacy PC.

or you can see the file here if the above does not work 15 Clicks to a Cloud OS

SAS Sentiment Analysis wins Award

From Business Wire, the new Sentiment Analysis product by SAS Institute (created by acquisition Teragram ) wins an award. As per wikipedia


Sentiment analysis or opinion mining refers to a broad (definitionally challenged) area of natural language processingcomputational linguistics and text mining. Generally speaking, it aims to determine the attitude of a speaker or a writer with respect to some topic. The attitude may be their judgment or evaluation (see appraisal theory), their affective state (that is to say, the emotional state of the author when writing) or the intended emotional communication (that is to say, the emotional effect the author wishes to have on the reader).

It was developed by Teragram. Here is another Sentiment Analysis tool from Stanford Grad school at http://twittersentiment.appspot.com/search?query=sas


Sentiment analysis for sas

Image Citation-


Read an article on sentiment analysis here at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/24/technology/internet/24emotion.html

And the complete press release at http://goo.gl/iVzf`

SAS Sentiment Analysis delivers insights on customer, competitor and organizational opinions to a degree never before possible via manual review of electronic text. As a result, SAS, the leader in business analytics software and services, has earned the prestigious Communications Solutions Product of the Year Award fromTechnology Marketing Corporation (TMC).

“SAS has automated the time-consuming process of reading individual documents and manually extracting relevant information”

“SAS Sentiment Analysis has shown benefits for its customers and it provides ROI for the companies that use it,” said Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC. “Congratulations to the entire team at SAS, a company distinguished by its dedication to software quality and superiority to address marketplace needs.”

Derive positive and negative opinions, evaluations and emotions

SAS Sentiment Analysis’ high-performance crawler locates and extracts sentiment from digital content sources, including mainstream websites, social media outlets, internal servers and incoming news feeds. SAS’ unique hybrid approach combines powerful statistical techniques with linguistics rules to improve accuracy to the detailed feature level. It summarizes the sentiment expressed in all available text collections – identifying trends and creating graphical reports that describe the expressed feelings of consumers, partners, employees and competitors in real time. Output from SAS Sentiment Analysis can be stored in document repositories, surfaced in corporate portals and used as input to additional SAS Text Analytics software or search engines to help decision makers evaluate trends, predict future outcomes, minimize risks and capitalize on opportunities.

“SAS has automated the time-consuming process of reading individual documents and manually extracting relevant information,” said Fiona McNeill, Global Analytics Product Marketing Manager at SAS. “Our integrated analytics framework helps organizations maximize the value of information to improve their effectiveness.”

SAS Sentiment Analysis is included in the SAS Text Analytics suite, which helps organizations discover insights from electronic text materials, associate them for delivery to the right person or place, and provide intelligence to select the best course of action. Whether answering complex search-and-retrieval questions, ensuring appropriate content is presented to internal or external constituencies, or predicting which activity or channel will produce the best effect on existing sentiments, SAS Text Analytics provides exceptional real-time processing speeds for large volumes of text.

SAS Text Analytics solutions are part of the SAS Business Analytics Framework, backed by the industry’s most comprehensive range of consulting, training and support services, ensuring customers maximum return from their IT investments.

Recognizing vision

The Communications Solutions Product of the Year Award recognizes vision, leadership and thoroughness. The most innovative products and services brought to the market from March 2008 through March 2009 were chosen as winners of this Product of the Year Award and are published on the INTERNET TELEPHONY and Customer Interaction Solutions websites.

Towards better analytical software

Here are some thoughts on using existing statistical software for better analytics and/or business intelligence (reporting)-

1) User Interface Design Matters- Most stats software have a legacy approach to user interface design. While the Graphical User Interfaces need to more business friendly and user friendly- example you can call a button T Test or You can call it Compare > Means of Samples (with a highlight called T Test). You can call a button Chi Square Test or Call it Compare> Counts Data. Also excessive reliance on drop down ignores the next generation advances in OS- namely touchscreen instead of mouse click and point.

Given the fact that base statistical procedures are the same across softwares, a more thoughtfully designed user interface (or revamped interface) can give softwares an edge over legacy designs.

2) Branding of Software Matters- One notable whine against SAS Institite products is a premier price. But really that software is actually inexpensive if you see other reporting software. What separates a Cognos from a Crystal Reports to a SAS BI is often branding (and user interface design). This plays a role in branding events – social media is often the least expensive branding and marketing channel. Same for WPS and Revolution Analytics.

3) Alliances matter- The alliances of parent companies are reflected in the sales of bundled software. For a complete solution , you need a database plus reporting plus analytical software. If you are not making all three of the above, you need to partner and cross sell. Technically this means that software (either DB, or Reporting or Analytics) needs to talk to as many different kinds of other softwares and formats. This is why ODBC in R is important, and alliances for small companies like Revolution Analytics, WPS and Netezza are just as important as bigger companies like IBM SPSS, SAS Institute or SAP. Also tie-ins with Hadoop (like R and Netezza appliance)  or  Teradata and SAS help create better usage.

4) Cloud Computing Interfaces could be the edge- Maybe cloud computing is all hot air. Prudent business planing demands that any software maker in analytics or business intelligence have an extremely easy to load interface ( whether it is a dedicated on demand website) or an Amazon EC2 image. Easier interfaces win and with the cloud still in early stages can help create an early lead. For R software makers this is critical since R is bad in PC usage for larger sets of data in comparison to counterparts. On the cloud that disadvantage vanishes. An easy to understand cloud interface framework is here ( its 2 years old but still should be okay) http://knol.google.com/k/data-mining-through-cloud-computing#

5) Platforms matter- Softwares should either natively embrace all possible platforms or bundle in middle ware themselves.

Here is a case study SAS stopped supporting Apple OS after Base SAS 7. Today Apple OS is strong  ( 3.47 million Macs during the most recent quarter ) and the only way to use SAS on a Mac is to do either


or do a install of Ubuntu on the Mac ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook ) and do this


Why does this matter? Well SAS is free to academics and students  from this year, but Mac is a preferred computer there. Well WPS can be run straight away on the Mac (though they are curiously not been able to provide academics or discounted student copies 😉 ) as per


Does this give a disadvantage based on platform. Yes. However JMP continues to be supported on Mac. This is also noteworthy given the upcoming Chromium OS by Google, Windows Azure platform for cloud computing.