Using Google Fusion Tables from #rstats

But after all that- I was quite happy to see Google Fusion Tables within Google Docs. Databases as a service ? Not quite but still quite good, and lets see how it goes.


But what interests me more is

The Google Fusion Tables API is a set of statements that you can use to search for and retrieve Google Fusion Tables data, insert new data, update existing data, and delete data. The API statements are sent to the Google Fusion Tables server using HTTP GET requests (for queries) and POST requests (for inserts, updates, and deletes) from a Web client application. The API is language agnostic: you can write your program in any language you prefer, as long as it provides some way to embed the API calls in HTTP requests.

The Google Fusion Tables API does not provide the mechanism for submitting the GET and POST requests. Typically, you will use an existing code library that provides such functionality; for example, the code libraries that have been developed for the Google GData API. You can also write your own code to implement GET and POST requests.

Also see


Google Fusion Tables API Sample Code



Language Library Public repository Samples
Python Fusion Tables Python Client Library fusion-tables-client-python/ Samples
PHP Fusion Tables PHP Client Library fusion-tables-client-php/ Samples

Featured Samples

An easy way to learn how to use an API can be to look at sample code. The table above provides links to some basic samples for each of the languages shown. This section highlights particularly interesting samples for the Fusion Tables API.


Language Featured samples API version
  • Hello, cURLA simple example showing how to use curl to access Fusion Tables.
Google Apps Script SQL API
  • Hello, WorldA simple walkthrough that shows how the Google Fusion Tables API statements work.
  • OAuth example on fusion-tables-apiThe Google Fusion Tables team shows how OAuth authorization enables you to use the Google Fusion Tables API from a foreign web server with delegated authorization.
  • Docs List ExampleDemonstrates how to:
    • List tables
    • Set permissions on tables
    • Move a table to a folder
Docs List API
Android (Java)
  • Basic Sample ApplicationDemo application shows how to create a crowd-sourcing application that allows users to report potholes and save the data to a Fusion Table.
JavaScript – FusionTablesLayer Using the FusionTablesLayer, you can display data on a Google Map

Also check out FusionTablesLayer Builder, which generates all the code necessary to include a Google Map with a Fusion Table Layer on your own website.

FusionTablesLayer, Google Maps API
JavaScript – Google Chart Tools Using the Google Chart Tools, you can request data from Fusion Tables to use in visualizations or to display directly in an HTML page. Note: responses are limited to 500 rows of data.

Google Chart Tools

External Resources

Google Fusion Tables is dedicated to providing code examples that illustrate typical uses, best practices, and really cool tricks. If you do something with the Google Fusion Tables API that you think would be interesting to others, please contact us at about adding your code to our Examples page.

  • Shape EscapeA tool for uploading shape files to Fusion Tables.
  • GDALOGR Simple Feature Library has incorporated Fusion Tables as a supported format.
  • Arc2CloudArc2Earth has included support for upload to Fusion Tables via Arc2Cloud.
  • Java and Google App EngineODK Aggregate is an AppEngine application by the Open Data Kit team, uses Google Fusion Tables to store survey data that is collected through input forms on Android mobile phones. Notable code:
  • R packageAndrei Lopatenko has written an R interface to Fusion Tables so Fusion Tables can be used as the data store for R.
  • RubySimon Tokumine has written a Ruby gem for access to Fusion Tables from Ruby.


Updated-You can use Google Fusion Tables from within R from


ft.connect <- function(username, password) {
  url = "";
  params = list(Email = username, Passwd = password, accountType="GOOGLE", service= "fusiontables", source = "R_client_API")
 connection = postForm(uri = url, .params = params)
 if (length(grep("error", connection, = TRUE))) {
 	stop("The wrong username or password")
 	return ("")
 authn = strsplit(connection, "\nAuth=")[[c(1,2)]]
 auth = strsplit(authn, "\n")[[c(1,1)]]
 return (auth)

ft.disconnect <- function(connection) {

ft.executestatement <- function(auth, statement) {
      url = ""
      params = list( sql = statement)
      connection.string = paste("GoogleLogin auth=", auth, sep="")
      opts = list( httpheader = c("Authorization" = connection.string))
      result = postForm(uri = url, .params = params, .opts = opts)
      if (length(grep("<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Parse error", result, = TRUE))) {
      	stop(paste("incorrect sql statement:", statement))
      return (result)

ft.showtables <- function(auth) {
   url = ""
   params = list( sql = "SHOW TABLES")
   connection.string = paste("GoogleLogin auth=", auth, sep="")
   opts = list( httpheader = c("Authorization" = connection.string))
   result = getForm(uri = url, .params = params, .opts = opts)
   tables = strsplit(result, "\n")
   tableid = c()
   tablename = c()
   for (i in 2:length(tables[[1]])) {
     	str = tables[[c(1,i)]]
   	    tnames = strsplit(str,",")
   	    tableid[i-1] = tnames[[c(1,1)]]
   	    tablename[i-1] = tnames[[c(1,2)]]
   	tables = data.frame( ids = tableid, names = tablename)
    return (tables)

ft.describetablebyid <- function(auth, tid) {
   url = ""
   params = list( sql = paste("DESCRIBE", tid))
   connection.string = paste("GoogleLogin auth=", auth, sep="")
   opts = list( httpheader = c("Authorization" = connection.string))
   result = getForm(uri = url, .params = params, .opts = opts)
   columns = strsplit(result,"\n")
   colid = c()
   colname = c()
   coltype = c()
   for (i in 2:length(columns[[1]])) {
     	str = columns[[c(1,i)]]
   	    cnames = strsplit(str,",")
   	    colid[i-1] = cnames[[c(1,1)]]
   	    colname[i-1] = cnames[[c(1,2)]]
   	    coltype[i-1] = cnames[[c(1,3)]]
   	cols = data.frame(ids = colid, names = colname, types = coltype)
    return (cols)

ft.describetable <- function (auth, table_name) {
   table_id = ft.idfromtablename(auth, table_name)
   result = ft.describetablebyid(auth, table_id)
   return (result)

ft.idfromtablename <- function(auth, table_name) {
    tables = ft.showtables(auth)
	tableid = tables$ids[tables$names == table_name]
	return (tableid)

ft.importdata <- function(auth, table_name) {
	tableid = ft.idfromtablename(auth, table_name)
	columns = ft.describetablebyid(auth, tableid)
	column_spec = ""
	for (i in 1:length(columns)) {
		column_spec = paste(column_spec, columns[i, 2])
		if (i < length(columns)) {
			column_spec = paste(column_spec, ",", sep="")
	mdata = matrix(columns$names,
	              nrow = 1, ncol = length(columns),
	              dimnames(list(c("dummy"), columns$names)), byrow=TRUE)
	select = paste("SELECT", column_spec)
	select = paste(select, "FROM")
	select = paste(select, tableid)
	result = ft.executestatement(auth, select)
    numcols = length(columns)
    rows = strsplit(result, "\n")
    for (i in 3:length(rows[[1]])) {
    	row = strsplit(rows[[c(1,i)]], ",")
    	mdata = rbind(mdata, row[[1]])
   	output.frame = data.frame(mdata[2:length(mdata[,1]), 1])
   	for (i in 2:ncol(mdata)) {
   		output.frame = cbind(output.frame, mdata[2:length(mdata[,i]),i])
   	colnames(output.frame) = columns$names
    return (output.frame)

quote_value <- function(value, to_quote = FALSE, quote = "'") {
	 ret_value = ""
     if (to_quote) {
     	ret_value = paste(quote, paste(value, quote, sep=""), sep="")
     } else {
     	ret_value = value
     return (ret_value)

converttostring <- function(arr, separator = ", ", column_types) {
	con_string = ""
	for (i in 1:(length(arr) - 1)) {
		value = quote_value(arr[i], column_types[i] != "number")
		con_string = paste(con_string, value)
	    con_string = paste(con_string, separator, sep="")

    if (length(arr) >= 1) {
    	value = quote_value(arr[length(arr)], column_types[length(arr)] != "NUMBER")
    	con_string = paste(con_string, value)

ft.exportdata <- function(auth, input_frame, table_name, create_table) {
	if (create_table) {
       create.table = "CREATE TABLE "
       create.table = paste(create.table, table_name)
       create.table = paste(create.table, "(")
       cnames = colnames(input_frame)
       for (columnname in cnames) {
         create.table = paste(create.table, columnname)
    	 create.table = paste(create.table, ":string", sep="")
    	   if (columnname != cnames[length(cnames)]){
    		  create.table = paste(create.table, ",", sep="")
      create.table = paste(create.table, ")")
      result = ft.executestatement(auth, create.table)
    if (length(input_frame[,1]) > 0) {
    	tableid = ft.idfromtablename(auth, table_name)
	    columns = ft.describetablebyid(auth, tableid)
	    column_spec = ""
	    for (i in 1:length(columns$names)) {
		   column_spec = paste(column_spec, columns[i, 2])
		   if (i < length(columns$names)) {
			  column_spec = paste(column_spec, ",", sep="")
    	insert_prefix = "INSERT INTO "
    	insert_prefix = paste(insert_prefix, tableid)
    	insert_prefix = paste(insert_prefix, "(")
    	insert_prefix = paste(insert_prefix, column_spec)
    	insert_prefix = paste(insert_prefix, ") values (")
    	insert_suffix = ");"
    	insert_sql_big = ""
    	for (i in 1:length(input_frame[,1])) {
    		data = unlist(input_frame[i,])
    		values = converttostring(data, column_types  = columns$types)
    		insert_sql = paste(insert_prefix, values)
    		insert_sql = paste(insert_sql, insert_suffix) ;
    		insert_sql_big = paste(insert_sql_big, insert_sql)
    		if (i %% 500 == 0) {
    			ft.executestatement(auth, insert_sql_big)
    			insert_sql_big = ""
        ft.executestatement(auth, insert_sql_big)

Libre Office Templates and Extensions

Libre Office just announced a new repository for extensions and templates.

  • Gallery of danger signs


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    Gallery of danger signs
    in Gallery Contents for all program modulesThis extension add 4 themes to your gallery with more than 400 cliparts dealing with security at work. Better than bitmap, cliparts are vector graphics in ODF …

    Latest release compatible with: LibreOffice 3.3.4 , LibreOffice 3.3.3 , LibreOffice 3.3.2 , LibreOffice 3.3.1 , LibreOffice 3.3 , LibreOffice 3.4 , LibreOffice 3.4.1 , LibreOffice 3.4.2 Continue reading “Libre Office Templates and Extensions”

LibreOffice Stable Release launched

Non Oracle Open Office completes important milestone- from the press release

The Document Foundation launches LibreOffice 3.3

The first stable release of the free office suite is available for download

The Internet, January 25, 2011 – The Document Foundation launches LibreOffice 3.3, the first stable release of the free office suite developed by the community. In less than four months, the number of developers hacking LibreOffice has grown from less than twenty in late September 2010, to well over one hundred today. This has allowed us to release ahead of the aggressive schedule set by the project.

Not only does it ship a number of new and original features, LibreOffice 3.3 is also a significant achievement for a number of reasons:

– the developer community has been able to build their own and independent process, and get up and running in a very short time (with respect to the size of the code base and the project’s strong ambitions);

– thanks to the high number of new contributors having been attracted into the project, the source code is quickly undergoing a major clean-up to provide a better foundation for future development of LibreOffice;

– the Windows installer, which is going to impact the largest and most diverse user base, has been integrated into a single build containing all language versions, thus reducing the size for download sites from 75 to 11GB, making it easier for us to deploy new versions more rapidly and lowering the carbon footprint of the entire infrastructure.

Caolán McNamara from RedHat, one of the developer community leaders, comments, “We are excited: this is our very first stable release, and therefore we are eager to get user feedback, which will be integrated as soon as possible into the code, with the first enhancements being released in February. Starting from March, we will be moving to a real time-based, predictable, transparent and public release schedule, in accordance with Engineering Steering Committee’s goals and users’ requests”. The LibreOffice development roadmap is available at

LibreOffice 3.3 brings several unique new features. The 10 most-popular among community members are, in no particular order:

  1. the ability to import and work with SVG files;
  2. an easy way to format title pages and their numbering in Writer;
  3. a more-helpful Navigator Tool for Writer;
  4. improved ergonomics in Calc for sheet and cell management;
  5. and Microsoft Works and Lotus Word Pro document import filters.

In addition, many great extensions are now bundled, providing

PDF import,

a slide-show presenter console,

a much improved report builder, and more besides.

A more-complete and detailed list of all the new features offered by LibreOffice 3.3 is viewable on the following web page:

LibreOffice 3.3 also provides all the new features of 3.3, such as new custom properties handling; embedding of standard PDF fonts in PDF documents; new Liberation Narrow font; increased document protection in Writer and Calc; auto decimal digits for “General” format in Calc; 1 million rows in a spreadsheet; new options for CSV import in Calc; insert drawing objects in Charts; hierarchical axis labels for Charts; improved slide layout handling in Impress; a new easier-to-use print interface; more options for changing case; and colored sheet tabs in Calc. Several of these new features were contributed by members of the LibreOffice team prior to the formation of The Document Foundation.

LibreOffice hackers will be meeting at FOSDEM in Brussels on February 5 and 6, and will be presenting their work during a one-day workshop on February 6, with speeches and hacking sessions coordinated by several members of the project.

The home of The Document Foundation is at

The home of LibreOffice is at where the download page has been redesigned by the community to be more user-friendly.

*** About The Document Foundation

The Document Foundation has the mission of facilitating the evolution of the OOo Community into a new, open, independent, and meritocratic organization within the next few months. An independent Foundation is a better reflection of the values of our contributors, users and supporters, and will enable a more effective, efficient and transparent community. TDF will protect past investments by building on the achievements of the first decade, will encourage wide participation within the community, and will co-ordinate activity across the community.

*** Media Contacts for TDF

Florian Effenberger (Germany)

Mobile: +49 151 14424108 – E-mail:

Olivier Hallot (Brazil)

Mobile: +55 21 88228812 – E-mail:

Charles H. Schulz (France)

Mobile: +33 6 98655424 – E-mail:

Italo Vignoli (Italy)

Mobile: +39 348 5653829 – E-mail:

India to make own DoS -citing cyber security

After writing code for the whole world, Indian DoD (Department of Defense) has decided to start making it’s own Operating System citing cyber security. Presumably they know all about embedded code in chips, sneak kill code routines in dependent packages in operating system, and would not be using Linus Trovald’s original kernel (maybe the website was hacked to insert a small call k function 😉

as the ancient Chinese said- May you live in interesting times. Still cyber wars are better than real wars- and StuxNet virus is but a case study why countries can kill enemy plans without indulging in last century tactics.

Source-Manick Sorcar, The great Indian magician

BANGALORE: India would develop its own futuristic computer operating system to thwart attempts of cyber attacks and data theft and things of that nature, a top defence scientist said.

Dr V K Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister, said the DRDO has just set up a software development  centre each here and in Delhi, with the mandate develop such a system. This “national effort” would be spearheaded by the  Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in partnership with software companies in and around Bangalore,  Hyderabad and Delhi as also academic institutions like Indian Institute of Science Bangalore and IIT Chennai, among others.

“There are many gaps in our software areas; particularly we don’t have our own operating system,” said  Saraswat, also Director General of DRDO and Secretary, Defence R & D. India currently uses operating systems developed by western countries.

Read more: Security threat: DRDO to make own OS – The Times of India


Using Code Editors in R

Using Enhanced Code Editors

Advantages of using enhanced code editors

1) Readability- Features like syntax coloring helps make the code more readable for documentation as well as debugging and improvement. Example functions may be colored in blue, input parameters in green, and simple default code syntax in black. Especially for lengthy programs or tweaking auto generated code by GUI, this readability comes in handy.

2) Automatic syntax error checking- Enhanced editors can prompt you if certain errors in syntax (like brackets not closed, commas misplaced)- and errors may be highlighted in color (red mostly). This helps a lot in correcting code especially if you are either new to R programming or your main focus is business insights and not just coding. Syntax debugging is thus simplified.

3) Speed of writing code- Most programmers report an increase in writing code speed when using an enhanced editor.

4) Point Breaks- You can insert breaks at certain parts of code to run some lines of code together, or debug a program. This is a big help given that default code editor makes it very cumbersome and you have to copy and paste lines of code again and again to run selectively. On an enhanced editor you can submit lines as well as paragraphs of code.

5) Auto-Completion- Auto completion enables or suggests options you to complete the syntax even when you have typed part of the function name.

Some commonly used code editors are –
Notepad++ -It supports R and also has a plugin called NPP to R.
It can be used  for a wide variety of other languages as well, and has all the features mentioned above.

Revolution R Productivity Environment (RPE)-While Revolution R has announced a new GUI to be launched in 2011- the existing enhancements to their software include a code editor called RPE.

Syntax color highlighting is already included. Code Snippets work in a fairly simply way.
Right click-
Click on Insert Code Snippet.

You can get a drop down of tasks to do- (like Analysis)
Selecting Analysis we get another list of sub-tasks (like Clustering).
Once you click on Clustering you get various options.
Like clicking clara will auto insert the code for clara clustering.

Now even if you are averse to using a GUI /or GUI creators don’t have your particular analysis you can basically type in code at an extremely fast pace.
It is useful to even experienced people who do not have to type in the entire code, but it is a boon to beginners as the parameters in function inserted by code snippet are automatically selected in multiple colors. And it can help you modify the auto generated code by your R GUI at a much faster pace.

TinnR -The most popular and a very easy to use code editor. It is available at
It’s disadvantage is it supports Windows operating system only.
Recommended as the beginner’s chose fore code editor.

Eclipse with R plugin This is recommended especially to people working with Eclipse and on Unix systems. It enables you to do most of the productivity enhancement featured in other text editors including submitting code the R session.

Gvim ( along Vim-R-plugin2
( should be
cited. The Vim-R-plugin developer recently added windows support to a
lean cross-platform package that works well. It can be suited as a niche text editor to people who like less features in the software. It is not as good as Eclipse or Notepad++ but is probably the simplest to use.

Using Code Snippets in Revolution R

So I am still testing Revo R on the 64 bit AMI i created on the weekend and I really like the code snippets feature in Revolution R.

Code Snippets work in a fairly simply way.

Right click– Click on Insert Code Snippet.

You can get a drop down of tasks to do- (like Analysis) Selecting Analysis we get another list of tasks (like Clustering).

Once you click on Clustering you get various options. Like clicking clara will auto insert the code

Now even if you are averse to using a GUI /or GUI creators don’t have your particular analysis you can basically type in code at an extremely fast pace.

It is useful to people who do not have to type in the entire code, but it is a boon to beginners as the parameters in function inserted by code snippet are automatically selected in multiple colors.

Also separately if are typing code for a function and hover, the various parameters for that particular function are shown.

Quite possibly the fastest way to write R code- and it is un matched by other code editors I am testing including Vim,Notepad++,Eclipse R etc.

The RPE (R Productivity Environment for windows- horrible bureaucratic name is the only flaw here) thus helps as it is quite thoughtfully designed. Interestingly they even have a record macro feature – which I am quite unsure of , but looks like automating some tasks. That’s next 🙂

See screenshot –

It would be quite nice to see the new Revo R GUI if it becomes available if it is equally intuitively designed considering it now has the founders of SPSS and one founder of R* as it’s members-it should be a keenly anticipated product. again Revolution could also try creating a Paid Amazon AMI and try renting the software by the hour at least as technology demonstrator as the big analytics world seems unaware of the work they have been up to.

without getting much noise on how much the other founder of R loves Revo 😉 )

The New WordPress

WordPress : For people who would rather spend time on the content than the code.

Easy to install,maintain,upgrade, beautiful themes,lots of plug-ins –

The easy -sleek dashboard

The best is of course the ease by which I can now insert pictures-

This is much much better than Blogger..though other Typepad-s like blogging platforms are said to be good too. Google seems to have forgotten re designing blogspot and and the competition is taking it all.