Possible Digital Disruptions by Cyber Actors in USA Electoral Cycle

Some possible electronic disruptions  that threaten to disrupt the electoral cycle in United States of America currently underway is-

1) Limited Denial of Service Attacks (like for 5-8 minutes) on fund raising websites, trying to fly under the radar of network administrators to deny the targeted  fundraising website for a small percentage of funds . Money remains critical to the world’s most expensive political market. Even a 5% dropdown in online fund-raising capacity can cripple a candidate.

2)  Limited Man of the Middle  Attacks on ground volunteers to disrupt ,intercept and manipulate communication flows. Basically cyber attacks at vulnerable ground volunteers in critical counties /battleground /swing states (like Florida)

3) Electro-Magnetic Disruptions of Electronic Voting Machines in critical counties /swing states (like Florida) to either disrupt, manipulate or create an impression that some manipulation has been done.

4) Use search engine flooding (for search engine de-optimization of rival candidates keywords), and social media flooding for disrupting the listening capabilities of sentiment analysis.

5) Selected leaks (including using digital means to create authetntic, fake or edited collateral) timed to embarrass rivals or influence voters , this can be geo-coded and mass deployed.

6) using Internet communications to selectively spam or influence independent or opinionated voters through emails, short messaging service , chat channels, social media.

7) Disrupt the Hillary for President 2016 campaign by Anonymous-Wikileak sympathetic hacktivists.



Avengers Review

Avengers is the big ticket block buster which heralds summer just like the groundhog denotes spring. An ensemble cast (of superheroes and okay actors) , it stars Hulk (angry green man aka Dr Bruce Banner /Mark Ruffalo) ,Iron Man (genius billionaire philanthropist playboy aka Tony Stark / Robert Downey Jr), Thor (an Australian looking Chris H), Loki (God of Mischief played  by German looking Tom Hiddleston ), Captain America  and Scarlet Johnassen and Jeremy “Hurt Locker” Renner and Samuel L Jackson. You know somethings is gotta give if the A List stars(?) in the cast is going to be longer than a plot summary.

Well Loki the bad guys strikes a deal with some other bad Guys of funnily named world called Assguard (parallel universe!) and tries to find a cube (which is all energy powerful like the Transformers 1 Cube)  and in return gets an Army from the dark side (who look just  like Cybertrons and Lords of the Rings orcs combined).

The Avengers after much dilly dallying, trying to emote, create bromances, tension buildup, in the end decide to give you what you came looking for- a visual feast of credible looking CGI to counter the bad guys. The scene stealer is the Hulk. He is kind of cute for a big green guy, if you dont know what I mean, see the movie!

This is American cinema at its most profoundly intellectual since the Die Hard series. and its quite entertaining, especially if you are a geeky comic book fan-boy (like me).

Summer is here and so are the super-heroes!! Unleash the popcorn.


UseR goes to Nashville, USA

So if Vanderbilt did lose (again) to UT (http://www.govolsxtra.com/news/2011/nov/20/video-tennessee-highlights-vanderbilt-game/) , they have somethign better to look before next season’s football season.

UseR is coming to Tennessee in 2012! This is the premier conference happens annually for R language (>2 mill users), and alternated between Europe and North America every other year.

Details here


useR! 2012 (12-15 June 2012)
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine
Nashville Tennessee USA





Pre-conference Survey

If you plan to attend useR! 2012, help us plan by completing a RedCAP Survey.



Stephania McNeal-Goddard
Assistant to the Chair
Phone:             615.322.2768
Fax: 615.343.4924
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics
S-2323 Medical Center North
Nashville, TN 37232-2158



Abstracts and Tutorial Proposals

Participants are encouraged to submit an abstract to for oral presentation during a Kaleidoscope or Focus session, or for poster presentation. Tutorial proposals are also welcomed.


  • Tutorial Submission: Dec 1 – Jan 31
  • Tutorial Acceptance Notification: Feb 1 – Feb 29
  • Abstract Submission: Dec 1 – Mar 12
  • Abstract Acceptance Notification: Mar 13 – Apr 15






  • Early Registration: Jan 1 – Feb 29
  • Regular Registration: Mar 1 – May 12
  • Late Registration: May 13 – June 11
  • On-site Registration: June 12 – June 15



Travel and Lodging Information

Vanderbilt University is located in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

Air Travel

The nearest major airport to Vanderbilt University is the Nashville International Airport (BNA). The airport is about 10 miles east of the campus and downtown Nashville. The BNA website maintains a list of ground transportation options for air travelers. The approximate taxi fare from the airport to Vanderbilt University is $27. Shuttles and buses are also available from the airport. The latter is economical (approximate fare is $1.60), but the travel time is more than an hour.

Car Travel

Nashville is located at the intersection of three major interstates. Interstate 40 approaches from the east and west, interstate 24 from the northwest and southeast, and interstate 65 from the northeast and south.

Interview Eberhard Miethke and Dr. Mamdouh Refaat, Angoss Software

Here is an interview with Eberhard Miethke and Dr. Mamdouh Refaat, of Angoss Software. Angoss is a global leader in delivering business intelligence software and predictive analytics solutions that help businesses capitalize on their data by uncovering new opportunities to increase sales and profitability and to reduce risk.

Ajay-  Describe your personal journey in software. How can we guide young students to pursue more useful software development than just gaming applications.

 Mamdouh- I started using computers long time ago when they were programmed using punched cards! First in Fortran, then C, later C++, and then the rest. Computers and software were viewed as technical/engineering tools, and that’s why we can still see the heavy technical orientation of command languages such as Unix shells and even in the windows Command shell. However, with the introduction of database systems and Microsoft office apps, it was clear that business will be the primary user and field of application for software. My personal trip in software started with scientific applications, then business and database systems, and finally statistical software – which you can think of it as returning to the more scientific orientation. However, with the wide acceptance of businesses of the application of statistical methods in different fields such as marketing and risk management, it is a fast growing field that in need of a lot of innovation.

Ajay – Angoss makes multiple data mining and analytics products. could you please introduce us to your product portfolio and what specific data analytics need they serve.

a- Attached please find our main product flyers for KnowledgeSTUDIO and KnowledgeSEEKER. We have a 3rd product called “strategy builder” which is an add-on to the decision tree modules. This is also described in the flyer.

(see- Angoss Knowledge Studio Product Guide April2011  and http://www.scribd.com/doc/63176430/Angoss-Knowledge-Seeker-Product-Guide-April2011  )

Ajay-  The trend in analytics is for big data and cloud computing- with hadoop enabling processing of massive data sets on scalable infrastructure. What are your plans for cloud computing, tablet based as well as mobile based computing.

a- This is an area where the plan is still being figured out in all organizations. The current explosion of data collected from mobile phones, text messages, and social websites will need radically new applications that can utilize the data from these sources. Current applications are based on the relational database paradigm designed in the 70’s through the 90’s of the 20th century.

But data sources are generating data in volumes and formats that are challenging this paradigm and will need a set of new tools and possibly programming languages to fit these needs. The cloud computing, tablet based and mobile computing (which are the same thing in my opinion, just different sizes of the device) are also two technologies that have not been explored in analytics yet.

The approach taken so far by most companies, including Angoss, is to rely on new xml-based standards to represent data structures for the particular models. In this case, it is the PMML (predictive modelling mark-up language) standard, in order to allow the interoperability between analytics applications. Standardizing on the representation of models is viewed as the first step in order to allow the implementation of these models to emerging platforms, being that the cloud or mobile, or social networking websites.

The second challenge cited above is the rapidly increasing size of the data to be analyzed. Angoss has already identified this challenge early on and is currently offering in-database analytics drivers for several database engines: Netezza, Teradata and SQL Server.

These drivers allow our analytics products to translate their routines into efficient SQL-based scripts that run in the database engine to exploit its performance as well as the powerful hardware on which it runs. Thus, instead of copying the data to a staging format for analytics, these drivers allow the data to be analyzed “in-place” within the database without moving it.

Thus offering performance, security and integrity. The performance is improved because of the use of the well tuned database engines running on powerful hardware.

Extra security is achieved by not copying the data to other platforms, which could be less secure. And finally, the integrity of the results are vastly improved by making sure that the results are always obtained by analyzing the up-to-date data residing in the database rather than an older copy of the data which could be obsolete by the time the analysis is concluded.

Ajay- What are the principal competing products to your offerings, and what makes your products special or differentiated in value to them (for each customer segment).

a- There are two major players in today’s market that we usually encounter as competitors, they are: SAS and IBM.

SAS offers a data mining workbench in the form of SAS Enterprise Miner, which is closely tied to SAS data mining methodology known as SEMMA.

On the other hand, IBM has recently acquired SPSS, which offered its Clementine data mining software. IBM has now rebranded Clementine as IBM SPSS Modeller.

In comparison to these products, our KnowledgeSTUDIO and KnowledgeSEEKER offer three main advantages: ease of use; affordability; and ease of integration into existing BI environments.

Angoss products were designed to look-and-feel-like popular Microsoft office applications. This makes the learning curve indeed very steep. Typically, an intermediate level analyst needs only 2-3 days of training to become proficient in the use of the software with all its advanced features.

Another important feature of Angoss software products is their integration with SAS/base product, and SQL-based database engines. All predictive models generated by Angoss can be automatically translated to SAS and SQL scripts. This allows the generation of scoring code for these common platforms. While the software interface simplifies all the tasks to allow business users to take advantage of the value added by predictive models, the software includes advanced options to allow experienced statisticians to fine-tune their models by adjusting all model parameters as needed.

In addition, Angoss offers a unique product called StrategyBuilder, which allows the analyst to add key performance indicators (KPI’s) to predictive models. KPI’s such as profitability, market share, and loyalty are usually required to be calculated in conjunction with any sales and marketing campaign. Therefore, StrategyBuilder was designed to integrate such KPI’s with the results of a predictive model in order to render the appropriate treatment for each customer segment. These results are all integrated into a deployment strategy that can also be translated into an execution code in SQL or SAS.

The above competitive features offered by the software products of Angoss is behind its success in serving over 4000 users from over 500 clients worldwide.

Ajay -Describe a major case study where using Angoss software helped save a big amount of revenue/costs by innovative data mining.

a-Rogers Telecommunications Inc. is one of the largest Canadian telecommunications providers, serving over 8.5 million customers and a revenue of 11.1 Billion Canadian Dollars (2009). In 2008, Rogers engaged Angoss in order to help with the problem of ballooning accounts receivable for a period of 18 months.

The problem was approached by improving the efficiency of the call centre serving the collections process by a set of predictive models. The first set of models were designed to find accounts likely to default ahead of time in order to take preventative measures. A second set of models were designed to optimize the call centre resources to focus on delinquent accounts likely to pay back most of the outstanding balance. Accounts that were identified as not likely to pack quickly were good candidates for “Early-out” treatment, by forwarding them directly to collection agencies. Angoss hosted Rogers’ data and provided on a regular interval the lists of accounts for each treatment to be deployed by the call centre dialler. As a result of this Rogers estimated an improvement of 10% of the collected sums.


Mamdouh has been active in consulting, research, and training in various areas of information technology and software development for the last 20 years. He has worked on numerous projects with major organizations in North America and Europe in the areas of data mining, business analytics, business analysis, and engineering analysis. He has held several consulting positions for solution providers including Predict AG in Basel, Switzerland, and as ANGOSS Corp. Mamdouh is the Director of Professional services for EMEA region of ANGOSS Software. Mamdouh received his PhD in engineering from the University of Toronto and his MBA from the University of Leeds, UK.

Mamdouh is the author of:

"Credit Risk Scorecards: Development and Implmentation using SAS"
 "Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS",
 (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) (Paperback)
 and co-author of
 "Data Mining: Know it all",Morgan Kaufmann

Eberhard Miethke  works as a senior sales executive for Angoss


About Angoss-

Angoss is a global leader in delivering business intelligence software and predictive analytics to businesses looking to improve performance across sales, marketing and risk. With a suite of desktop, client-server and in-database software products and Software-as-a-Service solutions, Angoss delivers powerful approaches to turn information into actionable business decisions and competitive advantage.

Angoss software products and solutions are user-friendly and agile, making predictive analytics accessible and easy to use.

Top 25 Errors in Programming that lead to hacker attacks

I am elaborating an earlier article on https://decisionstats.com/top-25-most-dangerous-software-errors/ based on my continued research into cyber conflict and strategy. My inputs are in italics – the rest is a condensed article for further thought.

This is thus a very useful initiative for the world to follow and upgrade their cyber security.

It is in accordance with the US policy to secure its cyber infrastructure (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-securing-our-nations-cyber-infrastructure)  and countries like India, and even Europe as well as other nations could do well to atleast benchmark their own security practices in software and digital infrastructure with it. There seems to much better technical coordination between rogue hackers than patriotic hackers imho 😉

The Department of Homeland Security of the United States of America has just launched a list of top 25 errors in programming or creating software that increase vulnerability to hacking attacks. The list which is available at http://cwe.mitre.org/top25/index.html lists down a methodology fo measuring vulnerability called Common Weakness Scoring System (CWSS) and uses that score to rank the various errors as well as suggestions to eliminate these weaknesses or errors.
Measuring Weaknesses

The importance of a weakness (that arises due to software bugs) may vary depending on business usage or project implementation, the technologies , operating systems and computing environments in use, and the risk or threat perception.The Common Weakness Scoring System (CWSS) provides a mechanism for scoring weaknesses. and provides a framework for prioritizing security errors (“weaknesses”) that are discovered in software applications.
Identifying Weaknesses
For example the number 1 weakness is shown with
1CWE-89: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command (‘SQL Injection’).
The rest of the weaknesses are

[1] 93.8 CWE-89 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command (‘SQL Injection’)
[2] 83.3 CWE-78 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command (‘OS Command Injection’)
[3] 79.0 CWE-120 Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input (‘Classic Buffer Overflow’)
[4] 77.7 CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (‘Cross-site Scripting’)
[5] 76.9 CWE-306 Missing Authentication for Critical Function
[6] 76.8 CWE-862 Missing Authorization
[7] 75.0 CWE-798 Use of Hard-coded Credentials
[8] 75.0 CWE-311 Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data
[9] 74.0 CWE-434 Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type
[10] 73.8 CWE-807 Reliance on Untrusted Inputs in a Security Decision
[11] 73.1 CWE-250 Execution with Unnecessary Privileges
[12] 70.1 CWE-352 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
[13] 69.3 CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory (‘Path Traversal’)
[14] 68.5 CWE-494 Download of Code Without Integrity Check
[15] 67.8 CWE-863 Incorrect Authorization
[16] 66.0 CWE-829 Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere
[17] 65.5 CWE-732 Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource
[18] 64.6 CWE-676 Use of Potentially Dangerous Function
[19] 64.1 CWE-327 Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm
[20] 62.4 CWE-131 Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size
[21] 61.5 CWE-307 Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts
[22] 61.1 CWE-601 URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (‘Open Redirect’)
[23] 61.0 CWE-134 Uncontrolled Format String
[24] 60.3 CWE-190 Integer Overflow or Wraparound
[25] 59.9 CWE-759 Use of a One-Way Hash without a Salt
Details of each weakness is given by http://cwe.mitre.org/top25/index.html#Details
It includes Summary , Weakness Prevalence, Consequences, Remediation Cost, Ease of Detection ,Attacker Awareness and Attack Frequency .In addition the following sections describe each software vulnerability in detail- Technical Details ,Code Examples ,Detection Methods ,References,Prevention and Mitigation, Related CWEs and Related Attack Patterns.
Other important software weaknesses are –

[26] CWE-770: Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling
[27] CWE-129: Improper Validation of Array Index
[28] CWE-754: Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions
[29] CWE-805: Buffer Access with Incorrect Length Value
[30] CWE-838: Inappropriate Encoding for Output Context
[31] CWE-330: Use of Insufficiently Random Values
[32] CWE-822: Untrusted Pointer Dereference
[33] CWE-362: Concurrent Execution using Shared Resource with Improper Synchronization (‘Race Condition’)
[34] CWE-212: Improper Cross-boundary Removal of Sensitive Data
[35] CWE-681: Incorrect Conversion between Numeric Types
[36] CWE-476: NULL Pointer Dereference
[37] CWE-841: Improper Enforcement of Behavioral Workflow
[38] CWE-772: Missing Release of Resource after Effective Lifetime
[39] CWE-209: Information Exposure Through an Error Message
[40] CWE-825: Expired Pointer Dereference
[41] CWE-456: Missing Initialization
Mitigating Weaknesses
Here is an example of the new matrix for migrations that also list the top 25 errors . This thus shows a way to fix the weaknesses and relative impact on each weakness by the following mitigations.

Effectiveness ratings include:

  • High: The mitigation has well-known, well-understood strengths and limitations; there is good coverage with respect to variations of the weakness.
  • Moderate: The mitigation will prevent the weakness in multiple forms, but it does not have complete coverage of the weakness.
  • Limited: The mitigation may be useful in limited circumstances, only be applicable to a subset of this weakness type, require extensive training/customization, or give limited visibility.
  • Defense in Depth (DiD): The mitigation may not necessarily prevent the weakness, but it may help to minimize the potential impact when an attacker exploits the weakness.

Within the matrix, the following mitigations are identified:


  • M1: Establish and maintain control over all of your inputs.
  • M2: Establish and maintain control over all of your outputs.
  • M3: Lock down your environment.
  • M4: Assume that external components can be subverted, and your code can be read by anyone.
  • M5: Use industry-accepted security features instead of inventing your own.

The following general practices are omitted from the matrix:

  • GP1: Use libraries and frameworks that make it easier to avoid introducing weaknesses.
  • GP2: Integrate security into the entire software development lifecycle.
  • GP3: Use a broad mix of methods to comprehensively find and prevent weaknesses.
  • GP4: Allow locked-down clients to interact with your software.


M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 CWE
High DiD Mod CWE-22: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory (‘Path Traversal’)
Mod High DiD Ltd CWE-78: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command (‘OS Command Injection’)
Mod High Ltd CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (‘Cross-site Scripting’)
Mod High DiD Ltd CWE-89: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command (‘SQL Injection’)
Mod DiD Ltd CWE-120: Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input (‘Classic Buffer Overflow’)
Mod DiD Ltd CWE-131: Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size
High DiD Mod CWE-134: Uncontrolled Format String
Mod DiD Ltd CWE-190: Integer Overflow or Wraparound
High CWE-250: Execution with Unnecessary Privileges
Mod Mod CWE-306: Missing Authentication for Critical Function
Mod CWE-307: Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts
DiD CWE-311: Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data
High CWE-327: Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm
Ltd CWE-352: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Mod DiD Mod CWE-434: Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type
DiD CWE-494: Download of Code Without Integrity Check
Mod Mod Ltd CWE-601: URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (‘Open Redirect’)
Mod High DiD CWE-676: Use of Potentially Dangerous Function
Ltd DiD Mod CWE-732: Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource
High CWE-759: Use of a One-Way Hash without a Salt
DiD High Mod CWE-798: Use of Hard-coded Credentials
Mod DiD Mod Mod CWE-807: Reliance on Untrusted Inputs in a Security Decision
High High High CWE-829: Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere
DiD Mod Mod CWE-862: Missing Authorization
DiD Mod CWE-863: Incorrect Authorization

IBM and Revolution team to create new in-database R

From the Press Release at http://www.revolutionanalytics.com/news-events/news-room/2011/revolution-analytics-netezza-partnership.php

Under the terms of the agreement, the companies will work together to create a version of Revolution’s software that takes advantage of IBM Netezza’s i-class technology so that Revolution R Enterprise can run in-database in an optimal fashion.

About IBM

For information about IBM Netezza, please visit: http://www.netezza.com.
For Information on IBM Information Management, please visit: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/information-on-demand/
For information on IBM Business Analytics, please visit the online press kit: http://www.ibm.com/press/us/en/presskit/27163.wss
Follow IBM and Analytics on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibmbizanalytics
Follow IBM analytics on Tumblr: http://smarterplanet.tumblr.com/tagged/new_intelligence
IBM YouTube Analytics Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibmbusinessanalytics
For information on IBM Smarter Systems: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/smarter/

About Revolution Analytics

Revolution Analytics is the leading commercial provider of software and services based on the open source R project for statistical computing.  Led by predictive analytics pioneer Norman Nie, the company brings high performance, productivity and enterprise readiness to R, the most powerful statistics language in the world. The company’s flagship Revolution R product is designed to meet the production needs of large organizations in industries such as finance, life sciences, retail, manufacturing and media.  Used by over 2 million analysts in academia and at cutting-edge companies such as Google, Bank of America and Acxiom, R has emerged as the standard of innovation in statistical analysis. Revolution Analytics is committed to fostering the continued growth of the R community through sponsorship of the Inside-R.org community site, funding worldwide R user groups and offers free licenses of Revolution R Enterprise to everyone in academia.

Netezza, an IBM Company, is the global leader in data warehouse, analytic and monitoring appliances that dramatically simplify high-performance analytics across an extended enterprise. IBM Netezza’s technology enables organizations to process enormous amounts of captured data at exceptional speed, providing a significant competitive and operational advantage in today’s data-intensive industries, including digital media, energy, financial services, government, health and life sciences, retail and telecommunications.

The IBM Netezza TwinFin® appliance is built specifically to analyze petabytes of detailed data significantly faster than existing data warehouse options, and at a much lower total cost of ownership. It stores, filters and processes terabytes of records within a single unit, analyzing only the relevant information for each query.

Using Revolution R Enterprise & Netezza Together

Revolution Analytics and IBM Netezza have announced a partnership to integrate Revolution R Enterprise and the IBM Netezza TwinFin  Data Warehouse Appliance. For the first time, customers seeking to run high performance and full-scale predictive analytics from within a data warehouse platform will be able to directly leverage the power of the open source R statistics language. The companies are working together to create a version of Revolution’s software that takes advantage of IBM Netezza’s i-class technology so that Revolution R Enterprise can run in-database in an optimal fashion.

This partnership integrates Revolution R Enterprise with IBM Netezza’s high performance data warehouse and advanced analytics platform to help organizations combat the challenges that arise as complexity and the scale of data grow.  By moving the analytics processing next to the data, this integration will minimize data movement – a significant bottleneck, especially when dealing with “Big Data”.  It will deliver high performance on large scale data, while leveraging the latest innovations in analytics.

With Revolution R Enterprise for IBM Netezza, advanced R computations are available for rapid analysis of hundreds of terabyte-class data volumes — and can deliver 10-100x performance improvements at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional analytics vendors.

Additional Resources

Google Realtime Live Updates on Egypt Yemen Tunisia Jordan..

Using Google RealTime, a small icon on the left margin, you can monitor the latest uprisings. Apparently you can still get shot in most of the world to ask for freedom. What a trillion dollars of industrial arms complex could not do in Iraq or Afghanistan, hackers at Wikileaks, Bloggers in Middle East and Media people at Al Jazzera are doing right now. I am probably too young in 1989 when communists fell, but watching dictators fall by people power than external arms is good, no.

Now if only a few more people could listen to some Chinese Democracy