How to use Bit Torrents

I really liked the software Qbittorent available from I think bit torrents should be the default way of sharing huge content especially software downloads. For protecting intellectual property there should be much better codes and software keys than presently available.

The qBittorrent project aims to provide a Free Software alternative to µtorrent. Additionally, qBittorrent runs and provides the same features on all major platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, OS/2, FreeBSD).

qBittorrent is based on Qt4 toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar.

qBittorrent v2 Features

  • Polished µTorrent-like User Interface
  • Well-integrated and extensible Search Engine
    • Simultaneous search in most famous BitTorrent search sites
    • Per-category-specific search requests (e.g. Books, Music, Movies)
  • All Bittorrent extensions
    • DHT, Peer Exchange, Full encryption, Magnet/BitComet URIs, …
  • Remote control through a Web user interface
    • Nearly identical to the regular UI, all in Ajax
  • Advanced control over trackers, peers and torrents
    • Torrents queueing and prioritizing
    • Torrent content selection and prioritizing
  • UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support
  • Available in ~25 languages (Unicode support)
  • Torrent creation tool
  • Advanced RSS support with download filters (inc. regex)
  • Bandwidth scheduler
  • IP Filtering (eMule and PeerGuardian compatible)
  • IPv6 compliant
  • Sequential downloading (aka “Download in order”)
  • Available on most platforms: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, OS/2, FreeBSD
So if you are new to Bit Torrents- here is a brief tutorial
Some terminology from


tracker is a server that keeps track of which seeds and peers are in the swarm.


Seed is used to refer to a peer who has 100% of the data. When a leech obtains 100% of the data, that peer automatically becomes a Seed.


peer is one instance of a BitTorrent client running on a computer on the Internet to which other clients connect and transfer data.


leech is a term with two meanings. Primarily leech (or leeches) refer to a peer (or peers) who has a negative effect on the swarm by having a very poor share ratio (downloading much more than they upload, creating a ratio less than 1.0)
1) Download and install the software from
2) If you want to search for new files, you can use the nice search features in here
3) If you want to CREATE new bit torrents- go to Tools -Torrent Creator
4) For sharing content- just seed the torrent you just created. What is seeding – hey did you read the terminology in the beginning?
5) Additionally –

Trackers: Below are some popular public trackers. They are servers which help peers to communicate.

Here are some good trackers you can use:



When a file is new, much time can be wasted because the seeding client might send the same file piece to many different peers, while other pieces have not yet been downloaded at all. Some clients, like ABCVuzeBitTornado, TorrentStorm, and µTorrent have a “super-seed” mode, where they try to only send out pieces that have never been sent out before, theoretically making the initial propagation of the file much faster. However the super-seeding becomes less effective and may even reduce performance compared to the normal “rarest first” model in cases where some peers have poor or limited connectivity. This mode is generally used only for a new torrent, or one which must be re-seeded because no other seeds are available.
Note- you use this tutorial and any or all steps at your own risk. I am not legally responsible for any mishaps you get into. Please be responsible while being an efficient bit tor renter. That means respecting individual property rights.

How to learn to be a hacker easily

1) Are you sure. It is tough to be a hacker. And football players get all the attention.

2) Really? Read on

3) Read Hacker’s Code

The Hacker’s Code

“A hacker of the Old Code.”

  • Hackers come and go, but a great hack is forever.
  • Public goods belong to the public.*
  • Software hoarding is evil.
    Software does the greatest good given to the greatest number.
  • Don’t be evil.
  • Sourceless software sucks.
  • People have rights.
    Organizations live on sufferance.
  • Governments are organizations.
  • If it is wrong when citizens do it,
    it is wrong when governments do it.
  • Information wants to be free.
    Information deserves to be free.
  • Being legal doesn’t make it right.
  • Being illegal doesn’t make it wrong.
  • Subverting tyranny is the highest duty.
  • Trust your technolust!

4) Read How to be a hacker by

Eric Steven Raymond

or just get the Hacker Attitude

The Hacker Attitude

1. The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved.
2. No problem should ever have to be solved twice.
3. Boredom and drudgery are evil.
4. Freedom is good.
5. Attitude is no substitute for competence.
5) If you are tired of reading English, maybe I should move on to technical stuff
6) Create your hacking space, a virtual disk on your machine.
You will need to learn a bit of Linux. If you are a Windows user, I recommend creating a VMWare partition with Ubuntu
If you like Mac, I recommend the more aesthetic Linux Mint.
How to create your virtual disk-
read here-
Download VM Player here
Down iso image of operating system here
Downloading is the longest thing in this exercise
Now just do what is written here
or if you want to try and experiment with other ways to use Windows and Linux just read this
Moving data back and forth between your new virtual disk and your old real disk
7) Get Tor to hide your IP address when on internet
8a ) Block Ads using Ad-block plugin when surfing the internet (like 14.95 million other users)
 8b) and use Mafiafire to get elusive websites
9) Get a  Bit Torrent Client at
This will help you download stuff
10) Hacker Culture Alert-
This instruction is purely for sharing the culture but not the techie work of being a hacker
The website Pirate bay acts like a search engine for Bit torrents
Visiting it is considered bad since you can get lots of music, videos, movies etc for free, without paying copyright fees.
The website 4chan is considered a meeting place to meet other hackers. The site can be visually shocking
You need to do atleast set up these systems, read the websites and come back in N month time for second part in this series on how to learn to be a hacker. That will be the coding part.
Updated – sorry been a bit delayed on next part. Will post soon.

Using Opera Unite to defeat SOPA?

Lets assume that the big bad world of American electoral politics forces some kind of modified SOPA to be passed, and the big American companies have to abide by that law (just as they do share data  for National Security under Patriot Act but quitely).

I belive Opera Unite is the way forward to sharing content on the Internet.


Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues

I can share music, and files , and the web server is actually my own laptop. try beating 2 billion new web servers that sprout!! File system sharing is totally secure- you can create private, public, or password protected files, a messaging system that can be used for drop messages (called fridge), a secure messaging system and your own web server is ready to start at a click. the open web may just use opera instead of chromium, and US regulation would be solely to blame. even URL blocking is of limited appeal thanks to software like MafiaWire Extension

Throw in Ad block, embedded bit torrent sharing and some more  Tor level encryption within the browser and sorry Senator, but the internet belongs to the planet not to your lobbyist.


Occupy the Internet


Continue reading “Occupy the Internet”

Google Takeout rocks!

I love the new Google Takeout. Just take out all the data stored within Google and download.

and unlike Facebook – it kind of builds this almost within a minute thus showing they are serious on privacy. Facebook takes too long to build the archive.

I would also prefer to download the data as a torrent or anything which is resumable if the connection breaks


Coming up-

yet another preview of Google +


FlattR goes free for all bloggers

This is the Flattr right now
Image via Wikipedia

Email from people at FlattR. What is FlattR- social micropayments. like small Paypal button that gives a fraction of your monthly budget (say 2 euros) to people you retweet/like (called Flattered in this social media service).

Some angels are smiling over some bays , it seems. congrats FlattR and their team (which includes tech team of largest bit torrent search engine in the world). Apparently this was done in time for the royal wedding.

Important service announcement


Flattr’s first year has been great. And not just for us but for tens of thousands of bloggers, podcasters, developers, designers and other creators out there. Just ask Tim. We’re now making an important change to the service, one which should open the floodgates of Flattr, if you will.
From May 1st we no longer require users to flattr others before they can be flattrd. Or in other words, it’s not mandatory to add money to your account to have an active Flattr button.

How does this affect you?

If you’re mainly using Flattr to make payments you will soon have much more content to flattr.If you’re using Flattr both to make and receive payments then you no longer need to check your balance at the end of each month to see whether your Flattr button is still active or not. It is and always will be.

If your Flattr button was once deactivated because balance dropped to zero, it is now active again. Forever.

This makes Flattr simpler

We have good reasons for making this change and we’ve just added a post about it on our blog. In a nutshell, we just didn’t need to force the give before you get principle onto people. During the the last year we’ve learned that people want to flattr the content they like and therefore we decided to drop any rules that made the service restrictive or outright complicated.We hope you’ll like the simpler more straightforward Flattr. If you have any comments, questions or feedback please get in touch via our blog or support page.

Linus, Peter and the rest of Flattr team

Getting Flatr on a blog

What is Flattr?

social micro payments- aka another way for bloggers, tweeters, facebookies to make money.

Thing of it as the Paypal plus a ReTweetmeme button.

FlattR is the new legal business of the creator of Pirate Bay- the large search engine for bit torrent data.

 and how to enable it on

Read some snarkly grrovy instructions here with a screenshot

1.) Open a account here. This should be reasonably straightforward. A monkey hitting keys at random could manage it in about half an hour. It took me less than 45 minutes.

2.) In the top right of ‘Your Flattr Dashboard’ there is a button ‘Submit Thing’. Click on that and enter the details of your blog – the URL (like for me) and a description (make that atleast 3 sentences). Flattr will create a page – for example,

Now go to your wordpress dashboard- sharing tab.


Add the following lines to your New Add Service in respective tabs

URL= (change this to the one created for yourself instep2 above)


 If you have a non WordPress blog see instructions at or screenshot of instructions here-