Louis Aslett makes data science on the cloud a 2 click step away

I was having a few issues with trying to configure the latest version of RStudio Server and the free help was not helpful enough. I came to this wonderful site and it made my job on running R on the cloud for students just a 2 click step. The best thing is lots of goodies come pre-installed.


Why an RStudio AMI?

The RStudio team have done a phenomenal job with making it simplicity itself to install, but there are still several motivating factors which led to me creating this AMI:

  • Although simple, it still takes several minutes to install R and RStudio after the virtual machine is going and this adds up if you do it often.
  • More time consuming is getting all the extras one may want such as LaTeX, Git, etc installed.
  • Of course, ‘simple’ is subjective and there are those who don’t know Linux, but want to use RStudio on a server without ever touching a Linux command line.
  • The EBS-backed AMIs with operating systems on tend to have vast swathes of free space which (as a postdoc of modest means) I don’t like paying to store when putting a machine into a stopped state for hibernation between computational runs! Growing an EBS volume is easier than shrinking one, so having a minimally sized AMI ready-to-go saves effort.
  • Having the full tool stack through to linking a Dropbox account in about 5 seconds means that I can go from zero to having a 36-core machine with over 200GB of RAM with all my code and data synced to a fully functional R environment with all supporting tools in a matter of minutes.
  • At the time of writing I couldn’t find any with the standard Amazon search tools and — in the great open-source tradition — that seems like an itch I should scratch!

Screenshot from 2015-09-08 13:12:48


Interview Jeroen Ooms OpenCPU #rstats

Below an interview with Jeroen Ooms, a pioneer in R and web development. Jeroen contributes to R by developing packages and web applications for multiple projects.


Ajay- What are you working on these days?
Jeroen- My research revolves around challenges and opportunities of using R in embedded applications and scalable systems. After developing numerous web applications, I started the OpenCPU project about 1.5 year ago, as a first attempt at a complete framework for proper integration of R in web services. As I work on this, I run into challenges that shape my research, and sometimes become projects in their own. For example, the RAppArmor package provides the security framework for OpenCPU, but can be used for other purposes as well. RAppArmor interfaces to some methods in the Linux kernel, related to setting security and resource limits. The github page contains the source code, installation instructions, video demo’s, and a draft of a paper for the journal of statistical software. Another example of a problem that appeared in OpenCPU is that applications that used to work were breaking unexpectedly later on due to changes in dependency packages on CRAN. This is actually a general problem that affects almost all R users, as it compromises reliability of CRAN packages and reproducibility of results. In a paper (forthcoming in The R Journal), this problem is discussed in more detail and directions for improvement are suggested. A preprint of the paper is available on arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.2140.

I am also working on software not directly related to R. For example, in project Mobilize we teach high school students in Los Angeles the basics of collecting and analyzing data. They use mobile devices to upload surveys with questions, photos, gps, etc using the ohmage software. Within Mobilize and Ohmage, I am in charge of developing web applications that help students to visualize the data they collaboratively collected. One public demo with actual data collected by students about snacking behavior is available at: http://jeroenooms.github.com/snack. The application allows students to explore their data, by filtering, zooming, browsing, comparing etc. It helps students and teachers to access and learn from their data, without complicated tools or programming. This approach would easily generalize to other fields, like medical data or BI. The great thing about this application is that it is fully client side; the backend is simply a CSV file. So it is very easy to deploy and maintain.

Ajay-What’s your take on difference between OpenCPU and RevoDeployR ?
Jeroen- RevoDeployR and OpenCPU both provide a system for development of R web applications, but in a fairly different context. OpenCPU is open source and written completely in R, whereas RevoDeployR is proprietary and written in Java. I think Revolution focusses more on a complete solution in a corporate environment. It integrates with the Revolution Enterprise suite and their other big data products, and has built-in functionality for authentication, managing privileges, server administration, support for MS Windows, etc. OpenCPU on the other hand is much smaller and should be seen as just a computational backend, analogous to a database backend. It exposes a clean HTTP api to call R functions to be embedded in larger systems, but is not a complete end-product in itself.

OpenCPU is designed to make it easy for a statistician to expose statistical functionality that will used by web developers that do not need to understand or learn R. One interesting example is how we use OpenCPU inside OpenMHealth, a project that designs an architecture for mobile applications in the health domain. Part of the architecture are so called “Data Processing Units”, aka DPU’s. These are simple, modular I/O units that do various sorts of data processing, similar to unix tools, but then over HTTPS. For example, the mobility dpu is used to calculate distances between gps coordinates via a simple http call, which OpenCPU maps to the corresponding R function implementing the harversine formula.

Ajay- What are your views on Shiny by RStudio?
Jeroen- RStudio seems very promising. Like Revolution, they deliver a more full featured product than any of my projects. However, RStudio is completely open source, which is great because it allows anyone to leverage the software and make it part of their projects. I think this is one of the reasons why the product has gotten a lot of traction in the community, which has in turn provided RStudio with great feedback to further improve the product. It illustrates how open source can be a win-win situation. I am currently developing a package to run OpenCPU inside RStudio, which will make developing and running OpenCPU apps much easier.

Ajay- Are you still developing excellent RApache web apps (which IMHO could be used for visualization like business intelligence tools?)
Jeroen–   The OpenCPU framework was a result of those webapps (including ggplot2 for graphical exploratory analysis, lme4 for online random effects modeling, stockplot for stock predictions and irttool.com, an R web application for online IRT analysis). I started developing some of those apps a couple of years ago, and realized that I was repeating a large share of the infrastructure for each application. Based on those experiences I extracted a general purpose framework. Once the framework is done, I’ll go back to developing applications 🙂

Ajay- You have helped  build web apps, openCPU, RAppArmor, Ohmage , Snack , mobility apps .What’s your thesis topic on?
Jeroen- My thesis revolves around all of the technical and social challenges of moving statistical computing beyond the academic and private labs, into more public, accessible and social places. Currently statistics is still done to mostly manually by specialists using software to load data, perform some analysis, and produce results that end up in a report or presentation. There are great opportunities to leverage the open source analysis and visualization methods that R has to offer as part of open source stacks, services, systems and applications. However, several problems need to be addressed before this can actually be put in production. I hope my doctoral research will contribute to taking a step in that direction.

Ajay- R is RAM constrained but the cloud offers lots of RAM. Do you see R increasing in usage on the cloud? why or why not?
Jeroen-   Statistical computing can greatly benefit from the resources that the cloud has to offer. Software like OpenCPU, RStudio, Shiny and RevoDeployR all provide some approach of moving computation to centralized servers. This is only the beginning. Statisticians, researchers and analysts will continue to increasingly share and publish data, code and results on social cloud-based computing platforms. This will address some of the hardware challenges, but also contribute towards reproducible research and further socialize data analysis, i.e. improve learning, collaboration and integration.

That said, the cloud is not going to solve all problems. You mention the need for more memory, but that is only one direction to scale in. Some of the issues we need to address are more fundamental and require new algorithms, different paradigms, or a cultural change. There are many exciting efforts going on that are at least as relevant as big hardware. Gelman’s mc-stan implements a new MC method that makes Bayesian inference easier and faster while supporting more complex models. This is going to make advanced Bayesian methods more accessible to applied researchers, i.e. scale in terms of complexity and applicability. Also Javascript is rapidly becoming more interesting. Performance of Google’s javascript engine V8 outruns any other scripting language at this point, and the huge Javascript community provides countless excellent software libraries. For example D3 is a graphics library that is about to surpass R in terms of functionality, reliability and user base. The snack viz that I developed for Mobilize is based largely on D3. Finally, Julia is another young language for technical computing with lots of activity and very smart people behind it. These developments are just as important for the future of statistical computing as big data solutions.

You can read more on Jeroen and his work at  http://jeroenooms.github.com/ and reach out to him here http://www.linkedin.com/in/datajeroen

Running R and RStudio Server on Red Hat Linux RHEL #rstats

Installing R

  • sudo rpm -ivh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

(OR sudo rpm -ivh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm )


  • sudo yum install R


  • sudo R

(and to paste in Linux Window- just use Shift + Insert)

To Install RStudio (from http://www.rstudio.com/ide/download/server)


  •  wget http://download2.rstudio.org/rstudio-server-0.97.320-i686.rpm
  •  sudo yum install --nogpgcheck rstudio-server-0.97.320-i686.rpm

OR 64-bit

  •  wget http://download2.rstudio.org/rstudio-server-0.97.320-x86_64.rpm
  •  sudo yum install --nogpgcheck rstudio-server-0.97.320-x86_64.rpm


  • sudo rstudio-server verify-installation

Changing Firewalls in your RHEL

-Change to Root

  • sudo bash 

-Change directory

  • cd etc/sysconfig

-Read Iptables ( or firewalls file)

  • vi iptables

( to quite vi , press escape, then colon :  then q )

-Change Iptables to open port 8787

  • /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8787 -j ACCEPT

Add new user name (here newuser1)

  • sudo useradd newuser1

Change password in new user name

  • sudo passwd newuser1

Now just login to IPADDRESS:8787 with user name and password above

(credit- IBM SmartCloud Support ,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woVjq83gJkg&feature=player_embedded, Rstudio help, David Walker http://datamgmt.com/installing-r-and-rstudio-on-redhat-or-centos-linux/, www.google.com ,Michael Grieb)


Interview Jeff Allen Trestle Technology #rstats #rshiny

Here is an interview with Jeff Allen who works with R and the new package Shiny in his technology startup. We featured his RGL Demo in our list of Shiny Demos- here


Ajay- Describe how you started using R. What are some of the benefits you noticed on moving to R?

Jeff- I began using R in an internship while working on my undergraduate degree. I was provided with some unformatted R code and asked to modularize the code then wrap it up into an R package for distribution alongside a publication.

To be honest, as a Computer Science student with training more heavily emphasizing the big high-level languages, R took some getting used to for me. It wasn’t until after I concluded that initial project and began using R to do my own data analysis that I began to realize its potential and value. It was the first scripting language which really made interactive use appealing to me — the experience of exploring a dataset in R was unlike anything Continue reading “Interview Jeff Allen Trestle Technology #rstats #rshiny”

Shiny 0.3 released . New era for #rstats

Message from Winston Cheng of R Studio.


We’ve released Shiny 0.3.0, and it’s available on CRAN now. Glimmer will be updated with the latest version of Shiny some time later today.
To update your installation of Shiny, run:
Highlights of the new version include:
* Some bugs were fixed in `reactivePrint()` and `reactiveText()`, so that they have slightly different rules for collecting the output. Please be aware that some changes to your apps’ text output is possible. The help pages for these functions explain the behavior.
* New `runGitHub()` function, which can run apps directly from a repository on GitHub
* New `runUrl()` function, which can run apps stored as zip or tar files on a remote web server.
* New `isolate()` function, which allows you to access reactive values (from input) without making the function dependent on them.
* Improved scheduling of evaluation of reactive functions, which should reduce the number of “extra” times a reactive function is called.

Interview Alvaro Tejada Galindo, SAP Labs Montreal, Using SAP Hana with #Rstats

Here is a brief interview with Alvaro Tejada Galindo aka Blag who is a developer working with SAP Hana and R at SAP Labs, Montreal. SAP Hana is SAP’s latest offering in BI , it’s also a database and a computing environment , and using R and HANA together on the cloud can give major productivity gains in terms of both speed and analytical ability, as per preliminary use cases.

Ajay- Describe how you got involved with databases and R language.
Blag-  I used to work as an ABAP Consultant for 11 years, but also been involved with programming since the last 13 years, so I was in touch with SQLServer, Oracle, MySQL and SQLite. When I joined SAP, I heard that SAP HANA was going to use an statistical programming language called “R”. The next day I started my “R” learning.

Ajay- What made the R language a fit for SAP HANA. Did you consider other languages? What is your view on Julia/Python/SPSS/SAS/Matlab languages

Blag- I think “R” is a must for SAP HANA. As the fastest database in the market, we needed a language that could help us shape the data in the best possible way. “R” filled that purpose very well. Right now, “R” is not the only language as “L” can be used as well (http://wiki.tcl.tk/17068) …not forgetting “SQLScript” which is our own version of SQL (http://goo.gl/x3bwh) . I have to admit that I tried Julia, but couldn’t manage to make it work. Regarding Python, it’s an interesting question as I’m going to blog about Python and SAP HANA soon. About Matlab, SPSS and SAS I haven’t used them, so I got nothing to say there.

Ajay- What is your view on some of the limitations of R that can be overcome with using it with SAP HANA.

Blag-  I think mostly the ability of SAP HANA to work with big data. Again, SAP HANA and “R” can work very nicely together and achieve things that weren’t possible before.

Ajay-  Have you considered other vendors of R including working with RStudio, Revolution Analytics, and even Oracle R Enterprise.

Blag-  I’m not really part of the SAP HANA or the R groups inside SAP, so I can’t really comment on that. I can only say that I use RStudio every time I need to do something with R. Regarding Oracle…I don’t think so…but they can use any of our products whenever they want.

Ajay- Do you have a case study on an actual usage of R with SAP HANA that led to great results.

Blag-   Right now the use of “R” and SAP HANA is very preliminary, I don’t think many people has start working on it…but as an example that it works, you can check this awesome blog entry from my friend Jitender Aswani “Big Data, R and HANA: Analyze 200 Million Data Points and Later Visualize Using Google Maps “ (http://allthingsr.blogspot.com/#!/2012/04/big-data-r-and-hana-analyze-200-million.html)

Ajay- Does your group in SAP plan to give to the R ecosystem by attending conferences like UseR 2012, sponsoring meets, or package development etc

Blag- My group is in charge of everything developers, so sure, we’re planning to get more in touch with R developers and their ecosystem. Not sure how we’re going to deal with it, but at least I’m going to get myself involved in the Montreal R Group.




Name: Alvaro Tejada Galindo
Email: a.tejada.galindo@sap.com
Profession: Development
Company: SAP Canada Labs-Montreal
Town/City: Montreal
Country: Canada
Instant Messaging Type: Twitter
Instant Messaging ID: Blag
Personal URL: http://blagrants.blogspot.com
Professional Blog URL: http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/pub/u/252210910
My Relation to SAP: employee
Short Bio: Development Expert for the Technology Innovation and Developer Experience team.Used to be an ABAP Consultant for the last 11 years. Addicted to programming since 1997.


and from


SAP HANA is SAP AG’s implementation of in-memory database technology. There are four components within the software group:[1]

  • SAP HANA DB (or HANA DB) refers to the database technology itself,
  • SAP HANA Studio refers to the suite of tools provided by SAP for modeling,
  • SAP HANA Appliance refers to HANA DB as delivered on partner certified hardware (see below) as anappliance. It also includes the modeling tools from HANA Studio as well replication and data transformation tools to move data into HANA DB,[2]
  • SAP HANA Application Cloud refers to the cloud based infrastructure for delivery of applications (typically existing SAP applications rewritten to run on HANA).

R is integrated in HANA DB via TCP/IP. HANA uses SQL-SHM, a shared memory-based data exchange to incorporate R’s vertical data structure. HANA also introduces R scripts equivalent to native database operations like join or aggregation.[20] HANA developers can write R scripts in SQL and the types are automatically converted in HANA. R scripts can be invoked with HANA tables as both input and output in the SQLScript. R environments need to be deployed to use R within SQLScript

More blog posts on using SAP and R together

Dealing with R and HANA

R meets HANA


HANA meets R

When SAP HANA met R – First kiss




SAP HANA: My experiences on using SAP HANA with R


and of course the blog that started it all-

Jitender Aswani’s http://allthingsr.blogspot.in/



Using R for Cloud Computing – made very easy and free by BioConductor

I really liked the no hassles way Biocnoductor has put a cloud AMI loaded with RStudio to help people learn R, and even try using R from within a browser in the cloud.

Not only is the tutorial very easy to use- they also give away 2 hours for free computing!!!

Check it out-

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

and wow! I am using Google Chrome to run R ..and its awesome!

Interesting- check out two hours for free — all you need is a browser and internet connection
