FlattR goes free for all bloggers

This is the Flattr right now
Image via Wikipedia

Email from people at FlattR. What is FlattR- social micropayments. like small Paypal button that gives a fraction of your monthly budget (say 2 euros) to people you retweet/like (called Flattered in this social media service).

Some angels are smiling over some bays , it seems. congrats FlattR and their team (which includes tech team of largest bit torrent search engine in the world). Apparently this was done in time for the royal wedding.

Important service announcement


Flattr’s first year has been great. And not just for us but for tens of thousands of bloggers, podcasters, developers, designers and other creators out there. Just ask Tim. We’re now making an important change to the service, one which should open the floodgates of Flattr, if you will.
From May 1st we no longer require users to flattr others before they can be flattrd. Or in other words, it’s not mandatory to add money to your account to have an active Flattr button.

How does this affect you?

If you’re mainly using Flattr to make payments you will soon have much more content to flattr.If you’re using Flattr both to make and receive payments then you no longer need to check your balance at the end of each month to see whether your Flattr button is still active or not. It is and always will be.

If your Flattr button was once deactivated because balance dropped to zero, it is now active again. Forever.

This makes Flattr simpler

We have good reasons for making this change and we’ve just added a post about it on our blog. In a nutshell, we just didn’t need to force the give before you get principle onto people. During the the last year we’ve learned that people want to flattr the content they like and therefore we decided to drop any rules that made the service restrictive or outright complicated.We hope you’ll like the simpler more straightforward Flattr. If you have any comments, questions or feedback please get in touch via our blog or support page.

Linus, Peter and the rest of Flattr team

Author: Ajay Ohri


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